under marketing…
Digitalization and Consumer Behavior
To examine the impact of digitalization on consumer behavior To investigate the impact of technology on consumer behavior To explore the opportunities and challenges of digitalization in changing consumer behavior
Determinants of Brand choice of two wheelers in Kathmandu Valley
Understanding consumer buying behavior is a difficult task as it is influenced by many factors such as cultural, social, personal, and psychological. Understanding the consumer’s lifestyle is necessary for marketers. Consumer needs and preferences are changing due to the change in the factors like demographics and lifestyles. These changes can become great business opportunities for […]
Opportunities and Challenges of Online Banking in Nepal
This descriptive study aims at exploring the challenges and opportunities of e-banking in the Nepalese banking sector. The required data are collected from bank employees by applying a self-administered questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, and desktop research. The findings demonstrate that banks expand to e-banking services in order to remain competitive, update themselves with new technological developments […]